five purposes of,order,conflict resolution,econ. stabilty and public services....provide example of govt. that fulfills each purpose... I really don't about conflict resolution and econ. stability...Thank you

Treaties are one form of conflict resolution.

Our country is NOT in a time of economic stability. What can the govt do to help our economy get better?

Sure, I can provide examples of governments that fulfill each purpose you mentioned.

1. Protection: The government's role in providing protection can be seen in the defense and security sector. For example, the United States government maintains a strong military force and invests in defense capabilities to protect its citizens from external threats.

2. Order: Governments establish laws and regulations to maintain social order. For instance, in countries like Japan, the government enforces strict traffic rules and regulations to ensure order on the roads, minimizing accidents and congestion.

3. Conflict resolution: This purpose refers to the government's role in resolving disputes or conflicts within society. One example is the judiciary system. In Canada, the government provides a judiciary system that includes courts and judges to fairly settle legal disputes and ensure justice is served.

4. Economic stability: Governments play a crucial role in maintaining economic stability through fiscal and monetary policies. For example, the German government controls inflation and unemployment rates by implementing policies that promote stable economic growth, including investment in infrastructure and education.

5. Public services: Governments provide various public services to meet the needs of their citizens. For instance, in Sweden, the government ensures access to healthcare for all residents through its universal healthcare system, offering medical services and facilities to promote the well-being of the population.

If you have any further questions about conflict resolution or economic stability, I'm here to help!