9. Which one of these doors _____ the most promising?


10. _____ there hazards to look out for?

pls help

9. The subject is "one," so it's singular. Which is the singular verb? Which form of seem would you use with it or she?

10. The subject is "hazards," so it's plural. Which is the plural verb?



Would you say?

He seem sick. or He seems sick.
It seem better. or It seems better.

10 is correct.


Right. Seems is the singular verb.

One seems most promising.

To determine the correct form of the verb in each sentence, you need to identify the subject of the sentence.

9. Which one of these doors _____ the most promising?

In this sentence, "which one of these doors" is the subject. The verb should agree with this subject. Since "which one" is singular, the correct form of the verb is "seems." Therefore, the correct sentence is:

"Which one of these doors seems the most promising?"

10. _____ there hazards to look out for?

In this sentence, "there hazards" is the subject. "There" is used as a dummy pronoun to introduce the subject "hazards." Since "hazards" is plural, the correct form of the verb should be plural as well. Therefore, the correct sentence is:

"Aren't there hazards to look out for?"