There are lots of possible approximations. If we have

y = x^5, the slope of the tangent line is
y' = 5x^4

At (2,32), the slope is 80

so, if a(x) is the line,
a(x) = 80(x-2)+32
a(2.04) = 80(.04)+32 = 35.2

In fact, 2.04^5 = 35.33

To find the linear approximation for the expression (2.04) raised to the power of 5, we can use the concept of the tangent line.

First, let's define our function: f(x) = x^5. We want to find the approximation of f(2.04).

The linear approximation of a function f(x) at a specific point a can be represented as:

L(x) = f(a) + f'(a)(x - a)

where f'(a) is the derivative of the function evaluated at point a.

Now, let's differentiate f(x) = x^5 with respect to x to find f'(x):

f'(x) = 5x^4

To find the linear approximation of f(2.04), we need to evaluate f(2.04) and f'(2.04).

f(2.04) = (2.04)^5 = 45.83510096

f'(2.04) = 5(2.04)^4 ≈ 82.343424

Next, we substitute the values into the linear approximation formula:

L(x) = f(2.04) + f'(2.04)(x - 2.04)

L(x) = 45.83510096 + 82.343424(x - 2.04)

Therefore, the linear approximation of (2.04)^5 is given by:

L(x) = 45.83510096 + 82.343424(x - 2.04)