Please tell me IF there is a solution to this question (or is it misprinted).

Can this be solved?

Jenny has 11 coins in her pocket, all of which are either nickels or dimes. If the value of the coins is 754, how many of each type of coin does she have?

Even if all 11 coins were dimes, the total value would only be 110.

So, no way could the 11 coins total 754.

Thank you!

To solve this question, we need to set up a system of equations.

Let's say Jenny has x nickels and y dimes.

The value of x nickels is 5x cents.
The value of y dimes is 10y cents.

We can also set up an equation for the total value of the coins:
5x + 10y = 754.

We also know that the total number of coins is 11:
x + y = 11.

Now we have a system of two equations with two variables:

5x + 10y = 754,
x + y = 11.

To simplify the second equation, we can rewrite it as:
x = 11 - y.

Now we can substitute this expression for x into the first equation:

5(11 - y) + 10y = 754.

Now we can solve for y:

55 - 5y + 10y = 754,
5y = 754 - 55,
5y = 699,
y = 139.8.

However, we are dealing with whole numbers of coins, so y cannot be a decimal value. This means there is no solution to the question as it is currently written.