You have 3 equilateral🔻🔻🔻. You must move one to make 5 triangles.

To make 5 triangles using the 3 equilateral triangles, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the 3 equilateral triangles arranged side by side, forming a larger equilateral triangle.

2. Take one of the smaller equilateral triangles and place it on top of the larger equilateral triangle, with one of its vertices touching the mid-point of one of the sides of the larger triangle.

3. Now you have a larger equilateral triangle with a smaller equilateral triangle on top. This arrangement forms a total of 5 triangles:

a. The larger equilateral triangle itself.
b. The smaller equilateral triangle that is placed on top.
c. Three additional triangles formed by connecting the mid-points of the sides of the larger triangle with the vertices of the smaller triangle.

By following these steps, you can transform the original 3 triangles into 5 triangles.