Posted by Ted on Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at 5:05pm.

susan has $450. she uses 30% of her money to but a dress and 20% of the remainder to buy a pair of shoes. how much money does she have left?

i got $225.00 left. am i right
math - Ms. Sue, Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at 5:10pm
I got a different answer.

450 * 0.3 = 135

450 - 135 = 315

315 * 0.8 = 252

dont you mean 315 x 0.2?

We could do it this way.

315 * 0.2 = 63

315 - 63 = 252

I just saved a step in my original problem.

In other words, she had 80 percent of the money left after she spent part of it.

ok i see it thanks

You're welcome.

No, the calculation given in the response is correct. To find out how much money Susan has left after buying a dress and a pair of shoes, you need to follow these steps:

1. Multiply the initial amount of money Susan has ($450) by the percentage she uses to buy a dress (30%):

450 * 0.3 = 135

This means she spent $135 on the dress.

2. Subtract the amount spent on the dress from the initial amount of money to find the remaining amount:

450 - 135 = 315

So Susan has $315 left after buying the dress.

3. Multiply the remaining amount ($315) by the percentage she uses to buy the pair of shoes (20%):

315 * 0.2 = 63

This means she spent $63 on the shoes.

4. Finally, subtract the amount spent on the shoes from the remaining amount to find out how much money Susan has left:

315 - 63 = 252

Therefore, Susan has $252 left after buying the dress and the pair of shoes.

So your original response of $225 is incorrect. The correct answer is $252.