Write a pseudocode to input 10 temperatures per day for 20 days and output the average per day and average for the 20 days.

Sure! Here's a pseudocode example that outlines how to input the temperatures, calculate the average per day, and calculate the average for the 20 days:

// Initialize variables
total_temp_per_day = 0
average_per_day = 0
total_temp = 0
average_20_days = 0

// Loop through 20 days
for day = 1 to 20
total_temp_per_day = 0

// Loop through 10 temperatures per day
for temp = 1 to 10
// Input temperature
input temp_value

// Add temperature to the total for the day
total_temp_per_day = total_temp_per_day + temp_value

// Calculate the average per day
average_per_day = total_temp_per_day / 10

// Output the average per day
output "Average temperature for day " + day + ": " + average_per_day

// Add the average of the day to the total temperature
total_temp = total_temp + total_temp_per_day

// Calculate the average for the 20 days
average_20_days = total_temp / 200

// Output the average for the 20 days
output "Average temperature for 20 days: " + average_20_days

In this pseudocode, we use nested loops to input 10 temperatures per day for 20 days. We calculate the average temperature per day by summing up the temperatures and dividing by 10. We keep track of the total temperature over the 20 days and finally calculate the average temperature for the 20 days by dividing the total by 200 (20 days * 10 temperatures per day).