a soccer player kicked a ball at an angle of 37degree to the horizontal.if the range covered by the ball is 240.3m calculate (a).the initial velocity of projection(.b).the time of flight.(c).the maximum time attained

a. Range = V0^2*sin(2A)/g = 240.3 m.

Vo^2*sin(74)/9.8 = 240.3
Vo^2*sin(74) = 2354.94
Vo^2 = 2354.94/sin(74) = 2449.84
Vo = 49.5 m/s. = Initial velocity.

b. Range = Vo*cosA * T = 240.3
T=240.3/Vo*cosA=240.3/49.5*cos37=3.88 s.
= Time of flight.