Draw the possible products resulting from the addition of 1 equivalent of HCL to 1-phenyl-1,3-butadiene. Which would you expect to predominate and why?

To determine the possible products resulting from the addition of 1 equivalent of HCl to 1-phenyl-1,3-butadiene, we need to consider the reaction mechanism and the stability of the products.

1-Phenyl-1,3-butadiene has a conjugated system, which means that the pi-electron density is delocalized along the carbon chain. When HCl is added, the reaction is likely to proceed via an electrophilic addition mechanism.

In the first step of the mechanism, the pi-electrons of the butadiene system act as a nucleophile attacking the electrophilic hydrogen of HCl. This leads to the formation of a carbocation intermediate. Different resonance structures can be drawn for this intermediate, based on the delocalized pi-electrons of the phenyl ring.

Next, the chloride ion (Cl-) acts as a nucleophile attacking the carbocation, resulting in the formation of different possible products.

The possible products can be categorized into two types: 1,2-addition and 1,4-addition products.

1. 1,2-Addition product: In this case, the chloride ion attacks the carbocation at the 1-position directly adjacent to the phenyl group. This results in the formation of a new carbon-chlorine bond at the 1-position. The phenyl group remains unchanged. This product is known as 1-phenyl-1-chlorobutane.

2. 1,4-Addition product: In this case, the chloride ion attacks the carbocation at the 4-position, which is further away from the phenyl group. This results in the formation of a new carbon-chlorine bond at the 4-position. The phenyl group also remains unchanged. This product is known as 1-phenyl-4-chlorobutane.

Now, let's consider which product would be expected to predominate. The stability of the carbocation intermediate and the relative rates of attack by the chloride ion will determine the major product.

In this case, the phenyl group exerts an electron-donating effect due to its resonance effects with the butadiene system. This means that the carbocation intermediate where the positive charge is delocalized onto the phenyl group will be more stabilized than the carbocation intermediate without this delocalization.

As a result, the 1,2-addition product (1-phenyl-1-chlorobutane) is expected to predominate because the intermediate leading to this product is more stable. The stabilization provided by the phenyl group leads to a faster rate of attack by the chloride ion at the 1-position compared to the 4-position.

(Note: It's important to note that this explanation is based on general principles and assumptions. Experimental conditions and other factors can influence the reaction outcome, so conducting the actual experiment and analyzing the products would be required to determine the exact predominance.)