64 76 46 88 88 43 99 50 55 would the mode change if a 76 was added to the data in the set?

Yes. The data set would then have two modes.

To find out if adding a 76 to the data set would change the mode, we need to determine the mode of the original data set and compare it with the mode of the updated data set.

The mode is the value that appears most frequently in a set of data. To find the mode, we can count the frequency of each number and identify the number(s) with the highest frequency.

Let's first calculate the mode for the original data set:
64 76 46 88 88 43 99 50 55

To find the mode:
1. Count the frequency of each number:
- 64 appears once
- 76 appears once
- 46 appears once
- 88 appears twice
- 43 appears once
- 99 appears once
- 50 appears once
- 55 appears once

2. Identify the number(s) with the highest frequency, which in this case is 88.

Therefore, the mode of the original data set is 88.

Now, if we add a 76 to the original data set, it will become:
64 76 46 88 88 43 99 50 55 76

To find the mode of the updated data set:
1. Count the frequency of each number:
- 64 appears once
- 76 appears twice
- 46 appears once
- 88 appears twice
- 43 appears once
- 99 appears once
- 50 appears once
- 55 appears once

2. Identify the number(s) with the highest frequency, which in this case is a tie between 76 and 88.

Therefore, after adding the 76 to the data set, the mode changes from 88 to a tie between 76 and 88.