Nicaragua shares borders with which two countries?

Honduras and Costa Rica


Nicaragua shares its borders with two countries: Honduras and Costa Rica. If you want to find this information yourself, there are a few ways you can do it.

1. Use an online search engine: You can type a query like "Nicaragua borders" or "Nicaragua neighboring countries" in a search engine like Google or Bing. The search results will provide you with the answer.

2. Use a geographical map: You can look at a world map or a map of Central America to see the borders of Nicaragua. It's important to pay attention to the neighboring countries and identify which ones are adjacent to Nicaragua.

3. Consult an atlas or geography textbook: You can refer to an atlas or a geography textbook, which will have detailed information about the countries' borders, including those of Nicaragua.

By utilizing these methods, you can find the information you need and expand your knowledge about the geographical features of different countries.