howdo you write 84,508 in word form

Eighty four thousand five hundred and eight

The and should be omitted. The word "and" usually means a decimal point.

Eighty-four thousand, five hundred eight

write the number in words


To write 84,508 in word form, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Divide the number into three groups: thousands, hundreds, and ones.

84,508 is divided as follows:

- Thousands: 84
- Hundreds: 5
- Ones: 08

Step 2: Write each group in word form.

- Thousands: 84 becomes "eighty-four thousand."
- Hundreds: 5 becomes "five hundred."
- Ones: 08 becomes "eight."

Step 3: Combine the word forms:

Putting it all together, 84,508 in word form is "eighty-four thousand, five hundred eight."