A park ranger finds that 35% of the park visitors stay at the campground. Of 105 visitors stayed at the campground in one day, how many visitors did the park have that day?

i got 36.75 people and then i rounded and got 37 people.

Sorry. That’s not correct. The answer is 300. 105/.35= 300. Or. 105/35=3 100%-35= 65. 65x3= 195. 195+105 = 300

Is the first word of the second sentence "If" (not "Of)?

come on i waitied almost for 20 minutes and this is what i get. -_- not cool

I don't think you have typed the question accurately. Check it.

If 105 stayed, then viistor=105/.35

To find the total number of visitors the park had that day, you need to divide the number of visitors who stayed at the campground by the percentage of visitors who stayed at the campground.

Let's break down the steps:

1. Start with the given information: The park ranger found that 35% of the visitors stayed at the campground, and 105 visitors stayed at the campground in one day.
2. To find the total number of visitors, we need to use the equation: Total Number of Visitors = Number of Campground Visitors / Percentage of Campground Visitors.
3. Plug in the values: Number of Campground Visitors = 105 visitors and Percentage of Campground Visitors = 35% (or 0.35 in decimal form).
4. Calculate: Total Number of Visitors = 105 visitors / 0.35.
5. Divide: Total Number of Visitors = 300 visitors.

So, the park had 300 visitors that day, not 37.