What are the three main parts of a research report?

1.title, body, conclusion
2.introduction, body, sources
3.introduction, body, conclusion
4.introduction, evidence, conclusion
and I just need it checked, I believe that it is #4...is that right?

I disagree.

What does your text say?

Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying, What text?

Oh, hahah, I wasn't thinking right. I looked back over the question and I am almost possitive that is it #3.


The correct answer is option #3: introduction, body, conclusion.

In a research report, the three main parts are typically organized as follows:

1. Introduction: This section provides an overview of the research topic, including the research question or hypothesis. It also gives background information and highlights the relevance of the study. The introduction sets the stage for the subsequent sections.

2. Body: The body of the research report contains the main content and discussion of the study. It is divided into different sections or chapters, depending on the research design. This part presents the research methodology, data analysis, findings, and interpretations. It includes detailed information about the research process and the results obtained.

3. Conclusion: The conclusion wraps up the research report by summarizing the main findings and their implications. It may also discuss limitations of the study and propose areas for future research. The conclusion provides closure to the report and reaffirms the significance of the research.

Option #4, which mentions introduction, evidence, and conclusion, is not the correct answer as it does not include the necessary section that discusses the methodology, data analysis, and results.