Sarah ordered 4 pepperoni pizzas. She wanted to cut the pizza so each slice would be 1/6. how many pizza slices does Sarah have?

4 * 6 = ?


To find out how many pizza slices Sarah has, we need to multiply the number of pizzas by the number of slices per pizza.

Step 1: Calculate the total number of slices per pizza.
There are six equal slices in one whole pizza, and Sarah wanted each slice to be 1/6. So, there is 1 slice in 1/6 of a pizza.

Step 2: Multiply the number of pizzas by the number of slices per pizza.
Sarah ordered 4 pizzas, and each pizza has 1/6 slice. Hence, the total number of pizza slices she has is:

4 pizzas * 1 slice per 1/6 pizza = 4 * (1/6) = 4/6 = 2/3

Therefore, Sarah has a total of 2/3 pizza slices.