25. Select one story from the unit and identify the dynamic and static characters. For each character, identify why you labeled the character as either dynamic or static. (10 points)

I can't help you. I have no idea which stories are in your unit.

hold on ill tell you one

This site will help.


“Born Worker” by; gary soto . do you know that one?

No. Sorry.

If she was a good teacher she would make an effort to help u so that proves.....SHES NOT A GOOD TEACHER. or shes not one at all. All she does is google it and give u the wrong answers. Lol

To identify the dynamic and static characters in a story, you need to first understand the difference between these two types of characters. A dynamic character is one who undergoes significant changes throughout the story, whether it be in their personality, beliefs, or actions. On the other hand, a static character is one who remains largely unchanged and does not experience significant growth or transformation.

To complete this task, follow these steps:

1. Choose a story from the unit: Begin by selecting a specific story or text from the unit you are studying. Make sure it has well-developed characters that undergo changes or remain consistent.

2. Read and analyze the story: Thoroughly read the selected story to understand the characters' personalities, traits, and actions. Take notes on any significant changes or lack thereof.

3. Identify dynamic characters: Look for characters who experience growth, development, or change throughout the story. These might be characters who learn important lessons, shift their perspectives, or evolve their behaviors. Note down their names and specific reasons for labeling them as dynamic characters.

4. Identify static characters: Identify characters who do not significantly change or grow throughout the story. These characters might maintain consistent beliefs, attitudes, or behaviors from the beginning of the story to the end. Note down their names and specific reasons for labeling them as static characters.

5. Provide justifications: For each character you identify as dynamic or static, explain why you labeled them as such. Refer to specific instances, dialogues, or actions within the story to support your reasoning.

6. Write your response: Organize your findings in a clear and concise manner. Explain each character's dynamic or static nature and provide evidence from the story to justify your labels. Make sure to connect your reasoning back to the character's growth or lack thereof.

By following these steps, you will be able to select a story, identify dynamic and static characters, and provide justifications for your labels. Remember to support your analysis with evidence from the story to strengthen your arguments.