Unit rate 6 eggs in 7 days?

Well, if we're talking about 6 eggs in 7 days, then the unit rate would be approximately 0.857 eggs per day. But don't worry, those eggs won't run away like chickens!

To calculate the unit rate, which measures the amount per one unit, you need to divide the total quantity by the total units.

In this case, you have 6 eggs in 7 days. To find the unit rate, divide the number of eggs (6) by the number of days (7):

Unit rate = Number of eggs / Number of days
= 6 eggs / 7 days

So, the unit rate for eggs in 7 days is approximately 0.857 eggs per day.

Alternatively, you can also calculate the unit rate by simplifying the ratio of eggs to days. In this case, the ratio would be 6:7 or 6/7. The simplified form is approximately 0.857 as well.

Thank you. You really helped me

400000000000 divided by 34

It would be more accurate to keep this rate just as it is. 6 eggs per week

The other way doesn't make much sense.

6/7 = 0.857142 eggs per day

6 eggs