I'm not very good at spanish. Will somebody please help?

4. Which expression is used to talk about what you have just done?

A.) venir de
B.) hacer la tarea
C.) hacer un viaje
D.) acabar de

5. Vengo de la clase. ¿Qué acabo de hacer?

A.) Acabas de bailar.
B.) Acabas de bailas.
C.) Acabas de estudiar.
D.) Acabas de estudias.

6. Susana viene del parque. ¿Qué acaba de hacer?

A.) Acaba de camina por el parque.
B.) Acaba de caminar por el parque.
C.) Acaba de esquiar.
D.) Acaba de esquia.

7. ¿Qué hay en el campo?

A.) Muchos semáforos.
B.) Muchas vacas.
C.) Mucha gente.
D.) Muchos edificios grandes.

8. ¿Qué hay en la ciudad?

A.) Muchos edificios grandes.
B.) Muchas vacas.
C.) Poco tráfico.
D.) Pocas calles.

Thank You.

Please post your answers and someone will be glad to help you.

Acabar de means "to have just." So, acabo de estudiar means "I just studied." You conjugate "acabar," but NOT the verb that follows "de." You always follow a preposition (like de) with a verb that is NOT conjugated (a verb that ends in -ar, -ir, or -er).

4. d
5. c
6. b
7. b
8. a

The last two questions are simply vocabulary related.

Thnk you so much. Your sure these are right.

were these right??

Of course, I'd be happy to help you with your Spanish questions!

4. To talk about what you have just done, the expression used is "acabar de". This expression is followed by an infinitive verb.

5. The sentence "Vengo de la clase. ¿Qué acabo de hacer?" is asking "What did I just do?" To answer this question, we need to choose the correct response from the options given.

Looking at the options:
A.) Acabas de bailar. (This means "You just danced." It is not the correct answer as it doesn't match the situation mentioned in the question.)
B.) Acabas de bailas. (This is not grammatically correct as it uses the incorrect conjugation of the verb "bailar".)
C.) Acabas de estudiar. (This means "You just studied." It is not the correct answer as it doesn't match the situation mentioned in the question.)
D.) Acabas de estudias. (This is not grammatically correct as it uses the incorrect conjugation of the verb "estudiar".)

Based on the options, the correct answer is D.) Acabas de estudias.

6. The sentence "Susana viene del parque. ¿Qué acaba de hacer?" is asking "What did Susana just do?" Again, we need to choose the correct response from the options given.

Looking at the options:
A.) Acaba de camina por el parque. (This is not grammatically correct as it uses the incorrect conjugation of the verb "caminar".)
B.) Acaba de caminar por el parque. (This means "She just walked through the park." It is the correct answer as it matches the situation mentioned in the question.)
C.) Acaba de esquiar. (This means "She just skied." It is not the correct answer as it doesn't match the situation mentioned in the question.)
D.) Acaba de esquia. (This is not grammatically correct as it uses the incorrect conjugation of the verb "esquiar".)

Based on the options, the correct answer is B.) Acaba de caminar por el parque.

7. The question "¿Qué hay en el campo?" is asking "What is there in the countryside?" To answer this question, we need to choose the correct response from the options given.

Looking at the options:
A.) Muchos semáforos. (This means "Many traffic lights." It is not the correct answer as it doesn't match what is typically found in the countryside.)
B.) Muchas vacas. (This means "Many cows." It is the correct answer as cows are commonly found in the countryside.)
C.) Mucha gente. (This means "A lot of people." It is not the correct answer as the question is specifically asking about the countryside, where there is usually less population density.)
D.) Muchos edificios grandes. (This means "Many big buildings." It is not the correct answer as the countryside is usually characterized by natural landscapes rather than tall buildings.)

Based on the options, the correct answer is B.) Muchas vacas.

8. The question "¿Qué hay en la ciudad?" is asking "What is there in the city?" To answer this question, we need to choose the correct response from the options given.

Looking at the options:
A.) Muchos edificios grandes. (This means "Many big buildings." It is the correct answer as cities often have skyscrapers and large buildings.)
B.) Muchas vacas. (This means "Many cows." It is not the correct answer as cows are typically not found in cities.)
C.) Poco tráfico. (This means "Little traffic." It is the correct answer as cities often have high levels of traffic congestion.)
D.) Pocas calles. (This means "Few streets." It is not the correct answer as cities usually have a dense network of streets.)

Based on the options, the correct answer is A.) Muchos edificios grandes.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.