How do you believe computer mediated communications may affect the future of human communications?


Does your instructor really want my beliefs?

The point is -- what do YOU believe?

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Please follow directions.

Computer mediated communication (CMC) refers to the way in which people interact and communicate with one another through computer systems, such as emails, messaging apps, social media, and video conferences. The impact of CMC on human communications is both significant and multifaceted. Here are some points to consider when discussing the potential effects of CMC on the future of human communications:

1. Accessibility: CMC allows instant and widespread communication across geographical boundaries, making it easier for people to connect and collaborate regardless of their location. This increased accessibility can lead to stronger global connections and facilitate the exchange of ideas and diverse perspectives.

2. Speed and efficiency: CMC enables quick communication, eliminating the delays associated with traditional methods such as postal mail. Messages can be transmitted and received almost instantly, leading to increased efficiency and productivity in various domains.

3. Flexibility: CMC supports asynchronous communication, meaning that individuals can send and receive messages at their convenience, without requiring real-time interaction. This flexibility allows for better time management and facilitates communication across different time zones.

4. Richness of communication: While CMC lacks the nonverbal cues and subtle nuances of face-to-face interactions, advancements in technology have led to the integration of video calls and emoticons, making digital communication more expressive and potentially bridging some of the gaps in understanding.

5. Impersonal communication: One drawback of CMC is the potential loss of personal connection. Text-based interactions can sometimes be misinterpreted, leading to misunderstandings, and reducing the sense of human warmth and emotion that comes with face-to-face communication.

6. Relationship formation and maintenance: CMC platforms provide opportunities for individuals to form new relationships and maintain existing ones. Social media platforms, for instance, allow people to connect with others who share similar interests, leading to the formation of communities and support networks.

It is important to note that the impact of CMC on human communications is subjective and influenced by a range of factors such as individual preferences, cultural norms, and the context in which communication occurs. It is, therefore, essential to consider both the positive and negative aspects when assessing the potential effects of CMC on the future of human communications.