How do you believe computer mediated communications may affect the future of human communications?


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Computer-mediated communications (CMC) have already had a significant impact on human communications and are likely to continue shaping the future of interpersonal interactions. Here are a few ways in which CMC may affect the future of human communication:

1. Globalized communication: CMC allows people from different parts of the world to connect and communicate instantly. This has led to a more globally interconnected society where geographical barriers are less significant. In the future, CMC may further bridge the gap between cultures and promote cross-cultural understanding.

2. Enhanced accessibility: CMC platforms have made communication more accessible to all individuals, including those with disabilities. People who are deaf or have speech impairments, for example, can utilize text-based communication platforms to have meaningful conversations. In the future, advancements in CMC may further improve accessibility and inclusion for all.

3. Evolution of language and communication norms: CMC has already given rise to new forms of communication, such as emojis, acronyms, and internet slang. In the future, as CMC continues to evolve, we might expect further changes in language and communication norms. This may include the adoption of new modes of expression or even the creation of entirely new languages.

4. Changing social dynamics: CMC platforms have transformed the way people interact and form relationships. They have given rise to online communities, social networks, and virtual identities. In the future, CMC may continue to influence social dynamics by shaping how people build connections, maintain relationships, and express themselves.

To develop a more comprehensive understanding of how CMC will impact the future of human communication, it is crucial to engage with ongoing research, scholarly articles, and studies within the field of communication and technology. Additionally, keeping up with trends and innovations in technology can provide insights into potential future developments.