explain how facebook has used two (2) design elements to enhance its appearance and Justify your response in terms of either efficiency (cost, time or effort) or effectiveness (quality of output, accuracy, presentation and comprehensiveness).

Facebook has utilized several design elements to enhance its appearance, but here are two notable ones:

1. Clean and Intuitive Interface: Facebook's interface is known for its simplicity and ease of use. The design focuses on decluttering the layout, with well-organized menus, clear labels, and minimal distractions. This clean approach ensures that users can quickly navigate and find what they need, enhancing the efficiency of their experience. By reducing cognitive load and providing a clear path to various features and content, Facebook enables users to accomplish tasks efficiently, saving time and effort.

2. Consistent Visual Branding: Facebook employs a consistent design language across its platforms and apps, with a recognizable blue color scheme, consistent typography, and prominent use of its logo. This visual branding creates a sense of familiarity, making it easier for users to associate the platform with its core identity. By using design elements that align with its brand, Facebook improves the effectiveness of its appearance as it reinforces its identity and establishes trust with users. Moreover, consistent branding across different devices and platforms ensures a cohesive experience, enhancing the comprehensiveness of Facebook’s presence.

In terms of effectiveness, Facebook's design choices contribute to the quality of output, accuracy, presentation, and comprehensiveness of the platform. By offering a clean and intuitive interface, users can effectively and accurately navigate the platform, making it easier to access and consume content. The consistent visual branding creates a visually appealing presentation, reinforcing Facebook's brand image and making it easily identifiable. Overall, these design elements add to the effectiveness of Facebook's appearance by providing a high-quality, accurate, well-presented, and comprehensive user experience.

It's important to note that the effectiveness or efficiency of a design element can be subjective, and different users may have varying opinions or experiences. However, Facebook's design choices have generally been aimed at improving user experience and have been widely recognized for their positive impact in terms of efficiency and effectiveness.