a sample of sulphuric acid is 95.7% by mass and has a density of 1.84g/cubic cm.calculate the mass of pure H2SO4 in a 2.00L bottle and volume of acid that contain 200g of pure H2SO4.

1 cc has a mass of 1.84g.

2000 cc has a mass of 1.84*2000 = ?
How much is H2SO4? That's
1.84g/cc x 2000cc x 0.957 = about 3500 g (but you need to do it more accurately).

Then 2000cc x (200g/about3500g) = ? cc for 200 g pure H2SO4.

I need the answer please

To calculate the mass of pure H2SO4 in a 2.00L bottle and the volume of acid that contains 200g of pure H2SO4, we need to use the given information about the concentration and density of the sulphuric acid.

1. Calculate the mass of the sulphuric acid in the 2.00L bottle:
Given that the density of the sulphuric acid is 1.84 g/cm³ and the volume of the bottle is 2.00L, we can calculate the mass using the formula:
mass = density * volume.
mass = 1.84 g/cm³ * 2.00L.

The volume needs to be converted to cm³ since the density is given in g/cm³:
1 L = 1000 cm³.
Therefore, 2.00 L = 2.00 * 1000 cm³ = 2000 cm³.

Substitute the values:
mass = 1.84 g/cm³ * 2000 cm³.
mass = 3680 g.

So, the mass of the sulphuric acid in the 2.00L bottle is 3680 g.

2. Calculate the mass of pure H2SO4 in the 3680g of sulphuric acid:
Since the sulphuric acid is 95.7% by mass, we can calculate the mass of pure H2SO4 using the formula:
mass of pure H2SO4 = (percentage/100) * mass of solution.
mass of pure H2SO4 = (95.7/100) * 3680 g.

Substitute the values:
mass of pure H2SO4 = 0.957 * 3680 g.
mass of pure H2SO4 ≈ 3523.96 g.

So, the mass of pure H2SO4 in the 2.00L bottle is approximately 3523.96 g.

3. Calculate the volume of acid that contains 200g of pure H2SO4:
Using the given information that the mass of pure H2SO4 is 200g, we can find the volume by dividing the mass by the density:
volume = mass / density.
volume = 200 g / 1.84 g/cm³.

Substitute the values:
volume = 200 g / 1.84 g/cm³.
volume ≈ 108.70 cm³.

So, the volume of acid that contains 200g of pure H2SO4 is approximately 108.70 cm³.