Carina was inspected at that time, which appeared sharp with no mucosal lesions noted. 2% Lidocaine was instilled over the carina. Right main stem bronchus was inspected next. Opening to the right upper lobe was inspected, however 2 areas of abnormality were detected. All 3 anterior, posterior, and apical, segments were visualized without any obstruction noted.

What is your question?

what is the question? ....

This paragraph seems to be describing a medical procedure involving the inspection of the carina (a part of the airway) and the right main stem bronchus (a branch of the airway). During the inspection, no mucosal lesions (abnormalities in the lining) were found in the carina. After that, 2% Lidocaine was applied to the carina, which is a local anesthetic. The right main stem bronchus was then inspected, and two abnormal areas were identified in the opening leading to the right upper lobe. However, the anterior, posterior, and apical segments (other parts of the bronchus) were visualized and no obstructions were observed.

If you have any specific questions or if you would like further clarification on any part of this paragraph, please let me know!