put these wents that led to the start of he American Revolution in the correct chronological order:

a: declaration of 1763
b: french and Indian war
c: Stamp act
d: Boston Massacre
e: pontac's rebellion
f: Boston tea party
g: townshend acts
h: intolerable acts
i: battle of lexington concord
J: first continental Congress
K: paul reveres ride

I'm sure you're capable of doing the research and finding the dates of all of these events.

of course you don't like me never mind

To put these events in correct chronological order, we need to look at the historical timeline of the American Revolution. Here is the correct order:

1. Pontiac's Rebellion (E) - Occurred in 1763, after the French and Indian War. It was an uprising of Native American tribes against British colonial expansion.

2. French and Indian War (B) - Took place from 1754 to 1763. It was fought between the British and their American colonists against the French and their Native American allies.

3. Treaty of 1763 (A) - This was the proclamation by the British government following the end of the French and Indian War, which prohibited colonial settlement beyond the Appalachian Mountains.

4. Stamp Act (C) - Enacted by the British Parliament in 1765, it imposed a tax on most printed materials in the colonies, leading to widespread protest.

5. Townshend Acts (G) - Passed in 1767, these acts taxed various imported goods and further fueled colonial resentment and resistance.

6. Boston Massacre (D) - Occurred in 1770 when British soldiers fired upon a crowd of colonial protesters, resulting in several deaths. It further inflamed anti-British sentiment.

7. Boston Tea Party (F) - Took place in 1773 when a group of colonists, disguised as Native Americans, dumped British tea into the Boston Harbor to protest the Tea Act.

8. Intolerable Acts (H) - Enacted in 1774 as a response to the Boston Tea Party, these acts included the closure of the Boston Harbor, the restriction of town meetings, and other measures aimed at punishing Massachusetts.

9. Battle of Lexington and Concord (I) - Occurred in 1775, this was the first military engagement between British Redcoats and colonial militias, marking the start of the American Revolutionary War.

10. First Continental Congress (J) - Convened in 1774, this assembly of colonial delegates met to discuss grievances against British rule and coordinate their resistance.

11. Paul Revere's Ride (K) - Occurred on the night of April 18, 1775, Paul Revere rode to warn colonial militias of the approaching British troops before the Battle of Lexington and Concord.

By following this chronological order, you will have correctly sequenced the events that led to the start of the American Revolution.