Seigi and Gavin both worked hard over the summer. Together, they earned a total of $425. Gavin earned $25 more than Seigi. much did each of them earn??

Trying subtracting $25 from the total amount of $425, then divide the remaining amount by 2. Then add the $25 dollars to one of the products and you have both your amounts.


Seigi earnings --- x

Gavin's earnings -- x+25

x + x+25 = 425
2x = 400
x= 200

Seigi earned $200
Gavin earned $225

could you please show me how to graph this equation in the system?

I'm referring to this equation:

Seiji and Gavin both worked hard over the summer. Together they earned a total of $425. Gavin earned $25 more than Seiji.

To find out how much each of them earned, let's assign variables to their earnings.

Let's say Seigi earned x dollars.
Since Gavin earned $25 more than Seigi, his earnings can be calculated as x + $25.

Together, their earnings add up to $425, so we can write the equation:
x + (x + $25) = $425

Combining like terms, we have:
2x + $25 = $425

To isolate the variable, we subtract $25 from both sides of the equation:
2x = $425 - $25
2x = $400

Finally, we divide both sides by 2 to solve for x:
x = $400 / 2
x = $200

So, Seigi earned $200, and since Gavin earned $25 more, his earnings were:
x + $25 = $200 + $25 = $225

To summarize, Seigi earned $200, and Gavin earned $225.