Could you please explain how to use a matrix (matrices) to solve a system of linear equations (two variables)? My book doesn't explain it in a way I can understand. Please and thank you.

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Of course! I'd be happy to help you understand how to use matrices to solve a system of linear equations with two variables.

To start, let's say we have a system of linear equations in the form:
a₁x + b₁y = c₁
a₂x + b₂y = c₂

We can rewrite this system in matrix form, using coefficient matrices and variable matrices. The coefficient matrix is a 2x2 matrix, and the variable matrix is a column matrix with the variables x and y.

To write the coefficient matrix, we take the coefficients of x and y from each equation and arrange them row by row:
| a₁ b₁ |
| a₂ b₂ |

The variable matrix looks like this:
| x |
| y |

Finally, we create a constant matrix using the constants on the right side of the equations:
| c₁ |
| c₂ |

Now, we can use matrix operations to solve this system. The coefficient matrix multiplied by the variable matrix gives us the constant matrix:
[coefficient matrix] * [variable matrix] = [constant matrix]

In equation form, this is:
| a₁ b₁ | | x | | c₁ |
| a₂ b₂ | * | y | = | c₂ |

To find the values of x and y, we need to solve for the variable matrix. However, we cannot directly divide or multiply matrix elements. Instead, we use matrix inverses.

To find the matrix inverse, we need to calculate the determinant of the coefficient matrix. If the determinant is not zero, we can find the inverse.

The inverse of the coefficient matrix is denoted as [coefficient matrix]⁻¹. We can calculate it as follows:
[coefficient matrix]⁻¹ = (1 / determinant) * | b₂ -b₁ |
|-a₂ a₁ |

Now, we can find the solution by multiplying the inverse of the coefficient matrix by the constant matrix:
[variable matrix] = [coefficient matrix]⁻¹ * [constant matrix]

In equation form, this is:
| x | | b₂ -b₁ | | c₁ |
| y | = |-a₂ a₁ | * | c₂ |

Finally, we can substitute the values of x and y back into the original equations to verify if they satisfy the given system of linear equations.

Remember, this method is specifically for solving a system of linear equations with two variables. For systems with more variables, the process involves similar principles but requires more complex matrix operations.

I hope this explanation helps clarify how to use matrices to solve a system of linear equations with two variables! Let me know if you have any further questions.