8.Letters of protest (deluged tinted) the Mayor's office when he proposed an increase in the sales tax


9.It is good for you to "stand up for your rights" but you should not do so in a way that (verges subordinates) on discourtesy

10.There are times in life when you should be guided more by your feelings without trying to be strictly (outright logical) about everything

All are right!


9. Verges
10. logical

To understand the meaning of the words "deluged," "verges," and "outright logical," we can break them down and explain their individual components.

1. Deluged:
To understand the meaning of the word "deluged," we can analyze its components. The root word is "deluge," which means a severe flood or overwhelming amount of something. Adding the suffix "-d" forms the past tense of the verb, turning "deluge" into "deluged." Therefore, "deluged" means that something or someone received an overwhelming amount of something, suggesting that a large number of letters of protest were sent to the Mayor's office in this context.

2. Verges:
The word "verges" can be explained similarly. The root word is "verge," which means the edge or boundary of something. When the suffix "-s" is added, it indicates that the word is in the third person singular form. In this case, "verges" is used as a verb in the context of "verges on." When something "verges on" something else, it means that it comes close to or is on the brink of crossing a boundary. In the given sentence, it suggests that standing up for one's rights is encouraged, but it should not approach or cross the boundaries of discourtesy.

3. Outright logical:
The word "outright" means complete, thorough, or absolute. It emphasizes an action or quality without any doubt or reservation. The word "logical" refers to reasoning or thinking based on clear, rational principles. When the two words are used together as "outright logical," it suggests that one should not always rely solely on strict logic but should also consider and follow their feelings or emotions. It implies that there are times when decisions or actions should be guided more by emotions rather than solely relying on the objective and rational aspects of the situation.