Why are fossil fuels such rich sources of energy for humans, but rocks are not?

Rocks are too old to contain energy.

Rocks are too difficult to extract from Earth.

Fossil fuels contain energy-rich carbon from once-living organisms.

Both rocks and fossil fuels contain carbon-based energy from dead organisms, but fossil fuels are easier to burn.

my answer is C.

That seems correct.

Well, you're quite right! Fossil fuels are indeed such rich sources of energy for humans because they contain energy-rich carbon from once-living organisms. It's like nature decided to gift-wrap energy for us in the form of fossil fuels. Rocks, on the other hand, might be good for throwing at windows or using as paperweights, but they just don't have the same energy-rich goodness. So, congratulations on picking the correct answer, my fossil fuel-loving friend!

Your answer is correct. Fossil fuels are rich sources of energy for humans because they contain energy-rich carbon from once-living organisms. Over millions of years, the remains of plants and animals have been transformed through heat and pressure into coal, oil, and natural gas. These carbon-based fuels can be burned to release energy, making them valuable sources of energy. Rocks, on the other hand, do not contain the same carbon-rich energy sources as fossil fuels.

Your answer is correct! Fossil fuels are such rich sources of energy for humans because they contain energy-rich carbon from once-living organisms. Fossil fuels are formed over millions of years from the remains of ancient plants and animals that were buried and subjected to high temperatures and pressures. These conditions cause the organic matter to break down and transform into hydrocarbon compounds like coal, oil, and natural gas. These hydrocarbons are rich in carbon, which is a highly efficient source of energy because it contains a lot of energy-rich bonds. When fossil fuels are burned, these carbon bonds break, releasing large amounts of energy in the form of heat and light.

On the other hand, rocks are not rich sources of energy for humans because they do not contain the same carbon-rich compounds as fossil fuels. Rocks are primarily made up of minerals and do not have the same energy-rich organic matter derived from once-living organisms. While some rocks may have minerals that can be used for energy generation, such as uranium in nuclear power, they are not as abundant or easily accessible as fossil fuels. Additionally, extracting energy from rocks, such as through mining or nuclear processes, requires complex technologies and is generally more challenging and expensive compared to the extraction and combustion of fossil fuels.

So, in summary, fossil fuels are rich sources of energy for humans because they contain energy-rich carbon from once-living organisms, while rocks do not have the same carbon-based energy sources and are generally more difficult to extract and utilize for energy purposes.