understanding terms commonly used in the pharmacy will enable you to .a.impress your pharmacy

b.identify your customers real condition
c.explain the effects of prescription medicines to your customer
d.prescribr a drug to ease your customers condition
my andwer is c


Understanding terms commonly used in the pharmacy will enable you to:

C. Explain the effects of prescription medicines to your customer.

To explain the effects of prescription medicines to your customer, it is essential to have a good understanding of the terms used in the pharmacy. Here are a few steps to help you effectively explain the effects of prescription medicines:

1. Familiarize yourself with the active ingredient: Prescription medicines contain specific active ingredients that produce the desired therapeutic effects. Understanding the active ingredient allows you to explain how the medicine works and what its intended effects are.

2. Know the indications and contraindications: Indications refer to the specific conditions or symptoms for which the medicine is prescribed. Understanding the indications will help you explain why the medicine is being prescribed and what it aims to treat. Conversely, contraindications are factors or conditions that make the medicine inappropriate or unsafe for certain individuals. Being aware of the contraindications will help you explain why the medicine may not be suitable for everyone.

3. Explain the possible side effects: Prescription medicines can have both beneficial effects and potential side effects. It is important to explain to your customer the possible side effects they may experience while taking the medication. Understanding the common side effects and their likelihood can help you address any concerns or questions your customer might have.

4. Provide instructions for use: It is crucial to explain to your customer how to correctly take the prescribed medicine. This includes details such as dosage, frequency, timing, and whether it should be taken with food or on an empty stomach. Clear instructions will help ensure that the medication is taken as intended, thereby maximizing its effectiveness.

By understanding the terms commonly used in the pharmacy, you will be able to communicate clearly and accurately with your customers, helping them understand the effects, benefits, and potential risks of their prescription medicines.