I have a question about one of my Stats vocab questions. any help is great. thanks!

Identify the type of observational study as either Cross-sectional or retrospective

(just a reminder, Cross-sectional is data measured at one point in time, retrospective is data collected from the past)

1.) An economist collects data by interviewing people who won the lottery between the years 1995 and 2000
My answer: Retrospective
My reasoning: the data is in the past

I am confused though because if you think farther into it, the data is collected at the present (interviewing people who have won)it's just a group of people between certain years. so it could bed cross-sectional. your input would be very helpful. thank you for your time!

Based on your understanding, it seems you are unsure of whether the data collection in the given scenario should be classified as cross-sectional or retrospective. Allow me to explain how to determine the correct classification.

To identify the type of observational study, we need to consider when the data is collected. Cross-sectional studies involve collecting data at a single point in time, while retrospective studies involve collecting data from the past.

In the given scenario, the economist is collecting data by interviewing people who won the lottery between the years 1995 and 2000. To determine whether it is cross-sectional or retrospective, we need to focus on when the data is collected.

Although the study is focusing on a specific group of people who won the lottery between 1995 and 2000, the data is still being collected in the present through the interviews. The fact that the individuals won the lottery in the past does not necessarily make the study retrospective since the data collection is happening in the present.

Therefore, in this particular scenario, the type of observational study can be classified as cross-sectional. It is important to remember that the classification is based on when the data is collected, not on the temporal aspect of the subject matter itself.

I hope this explanation helps clarify the distinction between cross-sectional and retrospective studies and provides a better understanding of how to approach similar questions in the future.