Can someone please help with this problem and explain it please? If soil has a density of 1.32 g/cm cubed, then what does 1.0 cubic yards of soil weigh in pounds?

To calculate the weight of soil, we need to convert the given volume from cubic yards to cubic centimeters and then multiply it by the density. Here's the step-by-step process to solve the problem:

1. Convert cubic yards to cubic centimeters:
1 cubic yard = 91,440 cubic centimeters (since 1 yard = 91.44 centimeters)

2. Multiply the volume in cubic centimeters by the density:
(91,440 cubic centimeters) × (1.32 g/cm³)

3. Convert the weight from grams to pounds:
1 gram ≈ 0.00220462 pounds

4. Multiply the weight in grams by the conversion factor:
(result from step 2) × (0.00220462 pounds/gram)

Let's perform the calculations step by step:

1. 1 cubic yard = 91,440 cubic centimeters

2. (91,440 cubic centimeters) × (1.32 g/cm³) = 120,268.8 grams

3. 120,268.8 grams ≈ 265.0 pounds

Therefore, 1.0 cubic yards of soil weighs approximately 265.0 pounds.

I don't know why teachers do these problems.

It is a conversion of cm to yards, and grams to lbs.


do all that, then
and you have to worry about what is meant by Weigh in pounds: pound mass, or pound force.