3. Which of the following is a complex sentence that contains a dependent adverbial clause?

A. Mark expects the photo to arrive late.
B. Mark expects the photo to arrive in damaged condition.
C. Mark expects the photo to arrive when the letter arrives.
D. Mark expects the photo to arrive on Tuesday.

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To determine which of the given options is a complex sentence that contains a dependent adverbial clause, we need to understand what a complex sentence and a dependent adverbial clause is.

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and at least one dependent clause. An independent clause is a group of words that can stand alone as a sentence, expressing a complete thought. On the other hand, a dependent clause cannot stand alone as a sentence and relies on the independent clause for its meaning.

A dependent adverbial clause is a type of dependent clause that functions as an adverb in the sentence. It provides additional information about the main clause by describing when, why, where, or under what conditions something happens.

Now, let's analyze the options:

A. Mark expects the photo to arrive late.
This sentence has only one independent clause and no dependent clause. Therefore, it is not a complex sentence containing a dependent adverbial clause.

B. Mark expects the photo to arrive in damaged condition.
Similar to option A, this sentence has only one independent clause and no dependent clause. Hence, it is not a complex sentence containing a dependent adverbial clause.

C. Mark expects the photo to arrive when the letter arrives.
This sentence has an independent clause ("Mark expects the photo to arrive") and a dependent adverbial clause ("when the letter arrives"). The dependent clause "when the letter arrives" provides additional information about when the photo will arrive. Thus, option C is a complex sentence that contains a dependent adverbial clause.

D. Mark expects the photo to arrive on Tuesday.
Like options A and B, this sentence only consists of an independent clause, making it neither complex nor containing a dependent adverbial clause.

Therefore, the correct option is C. Mark expects the photo to arrive when the letter arrives.