How do I put this into the calculator:


your calculator will surely revolt at your attempt




mine says "Error 2"

Calculators usually are not programmed to do imaginary numbers

To put the expression 4√(-1) into a calculator, you need to follow these steps:

1. First, enter the number 4 into the calculator.
2. Then, multiply it by the square root of -1. However, most basic scientific calculators do not support the imaginary unit (i), so you might encounter some limitations depending on the calculator you're using.

However, if you want to calculate the square root of a negative number and get an imaginary result, you can use a calculator that supports complex numbers or use specific software or programming languages that handle complex arithmetic, such as MATLAB or Python.

For example, using Python:

1. Open a Python IDE or console.
2. Type in the expression and assign it to a variable, like x:
x = 4j**0.5
In Python, the imaginary unit is represented by "j".

Now you have stored the result in the variable "x" and can perform further calculations or use it as needed.