Part 1: How are exponential growth and decay present in the real world? Give at least 2 examples for exponential growth and 2 examples of exponential decay.

Part 2: View and comment on the work of at least 2 other students. Try to choose students whose work is based on different real-world examples than the ones you chose.

I don't understand how to do this.
Thank You.

For the first part, it is just asking for a life cycle in math terms. A plant will grow a lot more in its first week than in its second third and so on. It's decay is 2x faster than its growth.

For the second part, just ask your fellow students.

Thank You.

Part 1: Exponential growth and decay are widely observable in various real-world phenomena. Here are two examples of exponential growth and two examples of exponential decay:

Exponential Growth:
1. Population Growth: The growth of a population is often exponential as the number of individuals increases over time. In the absence of limiting factors, such as food supply or space, populations can experience rapid exponential growth.
2. Compound Interest: Compound interest is a financial concept where the interest earned on an investment or loan is reinvested or added to the principal amount. Over time, this compounding effect causes the balance to grow exponentially.

Exponential Decay:
1. Radioactive Decay: Radioactive substances decay over time, and the rate of decay follows an exponential function. The amount of radioactive material decreases exponentially as the unstable atoms undergo decay.
2. Drug Dose in the Body: When medication is administered, its concentration in the body gradually decreases over time. The rate of decay of the drug follows an exponential decay curve, impacting its effectiveness.

Part 2: Unfortunately, as an AI text-based model, I don't have the ability to view or comment on the work of other students. However, I encourage you to explore other students' work and provide feedback based on their unique real-world examples of exponential growth and decay.

No problem! I'll explain how you can approach Part 1 of your assignment.

Exponential growth and decay describe mathematical models that are frequently used to represent real-world phenomena. In exponential growth, a quantity grows at an increasing rate over time, while in exponential decay, a quantity decreases at a decreasing rate over time.

To find examples of exponential growth, you can think about situations where something multiplies or increases rapidly. Here are two examples:

1. Population Growth: The population of a species can experience exponential growth when there are abundant resources and favorable conditions for reproduction. Each individual can reproduce, leading to a larger number of offspring, and as the population grows, the rate of population increase also accelerates.

2. Compound Interest: When money is invested with compound interest, the initial investment grows at an exponentially increasing rate. The interest earned over time is added back to the principal amount, which leads to additional interest in subsequent periods.

For examples of exponential decay, think about situations where something decreases gradually or decays over time. Here are two examples:

1. Radioactive Decay: Radioactive substances decay over time, with the decay rate proportional to the amount of the substance remaining. The decay process follows an exponential decay curve, where the amount of radioactive material decreases rapidly at first and then slows down as time goes on.

2. Drug Half-Life: In pharmacology, the concept of half-life is used to determine how long it takes for a drug to be eliminated from the body. The concentration of the drug in the body decreases exponentially over time, with a half-life representing the time it takes for the concentration to decrease by half.

For Part 2, you are asked to review the work of two other students who have chosen different real-world examples. Take a look at their examples and provide your comments and thoughts on their chosen examples. You can consider how well they explain the concept of exponential growth or decay and how accurately they apply the concept to their chosen examples.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.