Human Origins Assignment

What were the major achievements in human history during the Old Stone Age?
The major achievements during the stone age was the invention of tools. They used tools to hunt for food. They learned how to make fire.
2.How did Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons differ from earlier peoples?
The Neanderthals skulls are shaped differently from the past because their brains are bigger. CroMags skulls are like our skulls today, we came from them. We were smarter than the Neanderthals and wiped them out.

3.How did Cro-Magnon’s new tools make survival easier?
Tools were one of the first technological advances of early man. The first tools were probably sticks that were used to dig. Over time, man learned how to use rocks, stones and bones to make tools to aid them in daily life. Eventually, they learned how to make fire for warmth, cooking and protection, and learned how to turn the skin of animals into clothing.

4.In what ways did Neolithic peoples dramatically improve their lives?
Farming the cornerstone technology in the Neolithic Revolution allowed for sedentary living. Sedentary living allowed for Cities and promoted specialization of labor, which gave rise to craftsmanship, medicine, formal education, priesthoods, bureaucracy and statesmanship, et al.This also led to organized warfare, institutionalized slavery, inquisitions, pollution, epidemics, and overpopulation, to name a few ills.

5.How did the social structure of village life change as the economy became more complex?
Village life changed as the economy became more complex by further separating the social classes and increasing the importance of social status

I agree with your answers except the sentence about Cro-Magnons "wiping out" the Neanderthals. We have no proof of that.

Okay. Thank you. :D

You're welcome.

To find the major achievements in human history during the Old Stone Age, you can start by researching the time period known as the Paleolithic period. This period, also known as the Old Stone Age, lasted from about 2.6 million years ago to around 10,000 BCE. During this time, early humans made significant advancements.

One major achievement was the invention and use of tools. Early humans began to create and use various types of tools made from stone, such as hand axes, scrapers, and spears. These tools were crucial for survival as they enabled early humans to hunt for food more efficiently and defend themselves against predators.

Another significant achievement was the discovery and mastery of fire. Early humans learned how to create and control fire, which provided them with warmth, protection, and the ability to cook food. The control of fire was a crucial development that allowed early humans to expand their habitats and increase their chances of survival.

Moving on to the difference between Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, you can find detailed information by studying their characteristics and genetic differences. Neanderthals were an early human species that lived in Europe and parts of Asia from about 400,000 to 40,000 years ago. They had robust bodies and large brains, but their skulls were different from modern humans, featuring a more prominent brow ridge and a more elongated shape.

On the other hand, Cro-Magnons, or Homo sapiens sapiens, are considered the direct ancestors of modern humans. They appeared around 40,000 years ago and had anatomically modern features similar to present-day humans. Cro-Magnons had a more rounded skull shape and a less prominent brow ridge than Neanderthals.

It is important to note that while there is evidence of some interbreeding between Neanderthals and early humans, the two species were distinct, and Cro-Magnons eventually prevailed, leading to the extinction of Neanderthals.

To understand how Cro-Magnon's new tools made survival easier, you can explore the advancements in tool technology during the period known as the Upper Paleolithic, which occurred around 50,000 to 10,000 years ago. During this time, early humans developed more refined tools made from bone, antler, and other materials. These tools enabled them to create more effective weapons for hunting and make tasks like sewing, carving, and constructing shelters easier.

The use of these advanced tools allowed early humans to be more resourceful, increasing their chances of survival and facilitating their adaptation to various environments. The ability to create fire also provided warmth, protection, and the ability to cook food, which had significant implications for their survival and lifestyle.

To learn about the improvements brought about by Neolithic peoples, you can delve into the Neolithic Revolution, which marked the transition from hunting and gathering to systematic agriculture and the domestication of plants and animals. This revolution occurred around 10,000 BCE and had a profound impact on human society.

With the development of agriculture, Neolithic peoples became settled and began to live in permanent villages. This sedentary lifestyle allowed for the establishment of more complex social structures, division of labor, and the development of specialized skills. Neolithic peoples could produce surplus food, leading to the rise of trade and a more complex economy.

Additionally, the cultivation of crops and the domestication of animals provided a stable and reliable food supply, leading to population growth. This growth facilitated the development of larger communities and the emergence of more complex social, political, and economic systems.

As for the changes in the social structure of village life as the economy became more complex, you can examine the impact of agriculture and the surplus of resources on societal organization. With the development of agriculture, there was a shift from egalitarian hunter-gatherer societies to more hierarchical structures.

The surplus of food allowed for the emergence of specialized roles and occupations beyond the traditional hunting and gathering activities. This led to the growth of social classes and the emergence of social hierarchies, with some individuals holding more power and influence than others. As societies became more complex, social status and wealth became increasingly important.

In conclusion, researching the specific time periods and concepts mentioned above will give you a more in-depth understanding of the major achievements in human history during the Old Stone Age, the differences between Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons, the ways Cro-Magnon's new tools improved survival, the dramatic improvements brought by Neolithic peoples, and the changes in social structure as the economy became more complex.