kate ate 3/3 of sandwich. cao ate 7/7 of a sandwich that was the same size as kate's who ate more. explain you answer

3/3 = 1

7/7 = 1


I think this must be the wrong word problem because how come cao ate more then kate ? The 7 oout of 7 is equal to 3/3

To compare the amount of sandwich that Kate and Cao ate, we need to find a common denominator for the fractions. The denominator represents the total number of equal parts the whole sandwich is divided into.

In this case, since both Kate and Cao ate the entire sandwich, the common denominator for both fractions would be 7. This is because both 3/3 and 7/7 represent the entire sandwich.

Now, we can simplify the fractions:

3/3 = 7/7 = 1

Since both fractions are equal to 1, it means that both Kate and Cao ate the same amount of the sandwich.