on a scatter plot how can you determine if driving speed and driving time show a positive, negative or no relationship?

To determine if driving speed and driving time show a positive, negative, or no relationship on a scatter plot, you can follow these steps:

1. Gather data: Collect data on driving speed and driving time. Ensure you have paired observations for each data point, where each point represents a specific instance of driving.

2. Plot the data: On a scatter plot, place the driving speed values on the x-axis and the driving time values on the y-axis. Each data point will be represented by a dot on the plot.

3. Observe the trend: Look at the overall pattern formed by the dots on the scatter plot.

- Positive relationship: If the dots tend to cluster or follow an upward trend from left to right, it suggests a positive relationship. This means that as the driving speed increases, the driving time also tends to increase.

- Negative relationship: If the dots tend to cluster or follow a downward trend from left to right, it indicates a negative relationship. This means that as the driving speed increases, the driving time tends to decrease.

- No relationship: If the dots exhibit no clear pattern or appear randomly scattered, it indicates no relationship or a weak relationship between the variables. In this case, there is no consistent pattern between driving speed and driving time.

4. Check for outliers: Identify any outliers on the scatter plot, which are data points that deviate significantly from the overall pattern. Outliers may influence the relationship between the variables, so it is important to consider their inclusion or exclusion during your analysis.

By following these steps, you can determine whether there is a positive, negative, or no relationship between driving speed and driving time by analyzing the scatter plot.