when two perpendicular lines intersect, do they form four congruent angles?

Yes, because all rt angles are mequal.

When two perpendicular lines intersect, they do not form four congruent angles. They actually form four right angles, which are always congruent.

To understand this concept, it is helpful to know that a right angle measures 90 degrees. Perpendicular lines are lines that intersect and form right angles at the point of intersection.

To verify that the four angles formed at the intersection of perpendicular lines are right angles, you can follow these steps:

1. Draw two intersecting lines on a piece of paper, making sure they meet at a point.
2. Use a protractor to measure one of the angles formed at the intersection point. You will find that it measures 90 degrees.
3. Measure each of the other three angles formed at the intersection point. You will see that they also measure 90 degrees.

Therefore, the four angles formed by the intersection of perpendicular lines are right angles, and all right angles are congruent.