Andy said that 2,000 divided by 4=5,000 because 20 divided by 4=5 and the dividend has 3 zeros.Is Andy correct?expalin why or why not.

Check by multiplying 5,000 by 4. What do you get?


He is wrong it is simple division ......the answer is 400 even no remainders .....

No, Andy is not correct. Let's break down the division problem to understand why.

When dividing, we need to divide the dividend (the number being divided) by the divisor (the number we are dividing by) to find the quotient (the answer). In this case, Andy claims that dividing 2,000 by 4 equals 5,000.

However, if we actually perform the division, we find that 2,000 divided by 4 equals 500. To see this, we divide both the dividend and divisor by 100, so we have 20 divided by 4, which equals 5. Then, we bring back the zeros that were removed during the division process (because we divided by 100), resulting in 500.

So, Andy's claim that dividing 2,000 by 4 equals 5,000 is incorrect. The correct answer is 500.