Can you give me a fraction number story like a very good one please

Tom ate 1/4 of a pizza. Bob ate 2 as much as Tom. Billy ate 1/4 more then bob.

a) How much did bob eat
b)How much did billy eat
c)how much pizza was their at first

whats the answer?

for each question

Of course! Here's a fraction number story for you:

Once upon a time, there were 10 friends who loved to share their snacks. One day, they decided to have a picnic in the park. Each friend brought a different type of treat.

Friend A brought a basket of 4 delicious sandwiches. Friend B brought a bag of 3 yummy cookies. Friend C brought a box of 2 juicy apples. And Friend D brought a tray of 1 scrumptious cake.

As they sat down to eat, they realized they wanted to divide all the snacks equally among themselves. They wanted to know how many portions each friend would get. To figure this out, they needed to use fractions.

First, they added up the total number of snacks: 4 sandwiches + 3 cookies + 2 apples + 1 cake = 10 snacks.

Then, they needed to find the fraction of each type of snack. For example, Friend A's 4 sandwiches out of the total 10 snacks can be represented as 4/10. Friend B's cookies would be 3/10, Friend C's apples would be 2/10, and Friend D's cake would be 1/10.

Since they wanted to divide the snacks equally, they divided the total number of snacks by the number of friends. In this case, there were 10 snacks divided by 4 friends, resulting in 10/4.

They simplified the fraction to its simplest form by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor. In this case, the greatest common divisor of 10 and 4 is 2. So, dividing both numbers by 2 gives us 5/2.

Therefore, each friend would get 5/2 portions of snacks. They had 2 portions of snacks each, with one extra portion left over.

And so, the friends enjoyed their picnic, sharing their snacks and having a great time together, understanding fractions in a practical and tasty way.

I hope you enjoyed this fraction number story!