How many minutes before 1:00 pm was 88minutes ago 3 times the minutes after 10:00 am

i think there is some error in question

To solve this, we need to break down the problem into steps:

Step 1: Determine the current time

In this case, the current time is not provided directly but we are given a reference point, which is 88 minutes ago. Let's calculate the time 88 minutes ago and add this to the current time to obtain the current time.

Step 2: Find the time after 10:00 am

We need to identify the minutes that have passed after 10:00 am. To do this, we subtract the minutes of 10:00 am from the current time.

Step 3: Calculate three times the minutes after 10:00 am

Multiply the minutes after 10:00 am by 3.

Step 4: Calculate the time before 1:00 pm

Subtract the result from Step 3 from the total number of minutes between 1:00 pm and 10:00 am.

Let's follow these steps to find the answer:

Step 1:

Calculate the current time by adding 88 minutes to the given time:
Current Time = Given time + 88 minutes

Step 2:

Calculate the minutes after 10:00 am by subtracting the minutes of 10:00 am from the current time:
Minutes after 10:00 am = Current Time - 10:00 am

Step 3:

Calculate three times the minutes after 10:00 am:
3 times the minutes after 10:00 am = 3 × (Minutes after 10:00 am)

Step 4:

Calculate the time before 1:00 pm by subtracting the result from Step 3 from the total number of minutes between 1:00 pm and 10:00 am:
Time before 1:00 pm = (Minutes between 1:00 pm and 10:00 am) - (3 times the minutes after 10:00 am)

By following these steps, you should be able to calculate the number of minutes before 1:00 pm.