The inner core of the Earth is solid because of increased___________

a.)density and composition
b.)density and temperature
c.)temperature and pressure
d.)pressure and density

what does pressure and density do?

To determine the reason why the inner core of the Earth is solid, we need to understand the factors that can affect the state of matter. In this case, a solid state indicates that the particles are tightly packed and have limited movement.

To get the answer, we can consider the following options one by one:

a.) Density and composition: Density refers to how closely the particles are packed. While density can play a role in determining the state of matter, it alone cannot explain why the inner core is solid. Composition refers to the specific materials present, but the materials alone cannot explain the solid state either. This option does not fully explain why the inner core is solid.

b.) Density and temperature: Both density and temperature contribute to the state of matter. As density increases and temperature decreases, the particles are more likely to be tightly packed, leading to a solid state. This option suggests that increased density and temperature contribute to the solid state of the inner core.

c.) Temperature and pressure: Like with option b, temperature influences the state of matter. Generally, higher temperatures lead to particles having more energy and increased movement, favoring a liquid or gaseous state. In this case, the inner core of the Earth is solid, which implies that temperature alone cannot explain its state. Pressure, on the other hand, can compress the particles and limit their movement, favoring a solid state. This option suggests that increased temperature and pressure collectively contribute to the solid state.

d.) Pressure and density: As mentioned earlier, both pressure and density affect the state of matter. Higher pressure can compress particles and limit their movement, leading to a solid state. Increased density also implies particles being tightly packed. Therefore, this option correctly states that increased pressure and density contribute to the solid state of the inner core.

From the given options, the most appropriate answer is d.) pressure and density, as both factors are necessary to explain why the inner core of the Earth is solid.