Hi, I having trouble with unit conversions. I don't really get the concept of what I have to do. Please, if anyone could help and explain step by step on how to approach an equation like this, it would much appreciated. Thanks.

55miles per hour to ?yards per ?minute

the idea is to convert both distance and time.

55mi/hr change distance first

then time

1760*55/60 yds/min

(mi/hr)(hr/min)(yds/mi) = yds/min


55 * 1/60 * 1760

Sure, I can help explain how to approach unit conversions like this step by step. To convert 55 miles per hour to yards per minute, you'll need to use conversion factors and follow a few simple calculations. Here's how:

Step 1: Write down the given measurement and the units you want to convert it to:
Given: 55 miles/hour
Want to Convert: ? yards/minute

Step 2: Look for conversion factors relating miles to yards and hours to minutes:
- 1 mile = 1760 yards
- 1 hour = 60 minutes

Step 3: Set up the conversion factor(s) that cancel out unwanted units and leave only the desired units. In this case, we need to cancel out miles and hours and convert them to yards and minutes, respectively.

Conversion 1: 1 mile / 1760 yards (this will cancel out miles and introduce yards)
Conversion 2: 1 hour / 60 minutes (this will cancel out hours and introduce minutes)

Step 4: Multiply the given value by the appropriate conversion factors, ensuring the units cancel out correctly. Start with the given value (55 miles/hour) and use the conversion factors from Step 3 to set up the equation:

(55 miles/hour) * (1760 yards/1 mile) * (1 hour/60 minutes)

Step 5: Simplify the equation by canceling out units and performing the calculations:

55 * 1760 * 1 / 1 * 1 / 60 = 80 yards/minute

So, 55 miles per hour is equal to 80 yards per minute.