what organism is a porkaryotic cell?

Those organisms categorized as prokaryotic are all the members of Kingdom Monera. The representative groups are bacteria ( Blue Green Algae & Eubacteria). There is no prokaryotic organism in the rest Kingdoms.

The organism that typically possesses a prokaryotic cell is known as a prokaryote. Prokaryotes include bacteria and archaea.

To determine this, you need to consider the characteristics of the organism's cells. Prokaryotic cells are simple in structure and lack a nucleus. Their genetic material (DNA) is not enclosed within a membrane-bound nucleus, and they also lack other membrane-bound organelles. Bacterial cells, for example, have a circular DNA molecule located in the cytoplasm.

In contrast, eukaryotic cells, which are found in organisms like plants, animals, fungi, and protists, have a true nucleus that houses their DNA, along with various membrane-bound organelles such as mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum.

So, in summary, a prokaryotic cell is typically found in organisms called prokaryotes, such as bacteria and archaea.