Combining two or more segments of the industry to deliver the best care, at the most cost-effective rate, in the best setting refers to a/an

A. integrated delivery system.
B. diagnosis-related group.
C. health maintenance organization.
D. preferred provider organization system

To find the answer to this question, you need to understand the definitions of the given options and determine which one fits the description provided.

A. An integrated delivery system refers to a network of healthcare providers and organizations that work together to provide coordinated care for patients across different settings.

B. Diagnosis-related group (DRG) is a classification system used in healthcare to categorize patients based on their diagnoses, treatments, and length of stay in a hospital.

C. Health maintenance organization (HMO) is a type of managed care organization that provides healthcare services to its members through a network of contracted healthcare providers.

D. A preferred provider organization (PPO) system is a type of managed care organization that offers a network of preferred healthcare providers to its members at negotiated rates.

Based on the description provided in the question, the most suitable answer would be A. integrated delivery system. This option aligns with the idea of combining segments of the industry to deliver high-quality, cost-effective care in the best setting.