I have immerse inflammatory persevere prevaricate quash relish scour and tribute left

The dictator ordered his secret police to ____ any attempt to organize a protest rally

Which one of those words means to stop?

Quash means to crush or put down completely it looks like its the only one closest to stop.

Right. Quash goes into this sentence.

No, the word "persevere" does not fit in the given sentence. To find the correct word, let's analyze the context of the sentence.

Based on the sentence, the dictator ordered his secret police to do something that would prevent or stop any attempt to organize a protest rally. From the given words, the word that best fits the context is "quash." It means to suppress, put down, or forcibly stop something.

To arrive at the correct answer, you need to understand the definitions and usage of the words provided in the list. Here's a breakdown:

- Immerse: to involve deeply or to immerse oneself fully in something.
- Inflammatory: causing anger or outrage.
- Persevere: to continue despite difficulties or obstacles.
- Prevaricate: to avoid giving a direct answer or lie.
- Quash: to suppress, put down, or forcibly stop.
- Relish: to take great pleasure or enjoyment in something.
- Scour: to clean or search thoroughly.
- Tribute: an act, statement, or gift that shows respect or gratitude.

By understanding the meaning of each word, you can deduce that "quash" is the correct word in this context.