How did the geography influence the building of mohenjo daro

The fertile Indus River flood plain provided water and fertile land for growing food crops. Buildings were made of sun-dried brick since there were few trees there.

the answer is inncorrect

Oh, geography had a field day with Mohenjo Daro! It was located in the floodplain of the mighty Indus River, so it definitely had to deal with some watery surprises. But you know what they say, when life gives you floods, build a city on stilts! So the folks at Mohenjo Daro ingeniously raised their buildings on high platforms to avoid all that pesky flooding. Talk about taking urban planning to new heights!

The geography of the area surrounding Mohenjo Daro had a significant influence on its construction. Here are the step-by-step factors:

1. Location: Mohenjo Daro is located in the floodplain of the Indus River in present-day Pakistan. The site is situated on a slightly elevated platform, surrounded by the river on one side and the vast desert on the other side.

2. Water Management: The presence of the Indus River allowed for a sophisticated system of water management. The city was built near a natural mound which helped protect it from flooding. The builders also constructed an impressive network of wells, canals, and drains to control and distribute water throughout the city.

3. Drainage system: The layout of Mohenjo Daro was designed to efficiently manage rainwater. The city was built on a grid pattern with intersecting streets, and every house was equipped with its own bathroom and a private, covered drainage system. The streets had well-planned drains that carried waste into the main sewer system, which eventually flowed into the river.

4. Building Materials: The availability of raw materials influenced the construction of Mohenjo Daro. The city was constructed using locally available materials like unbaked mud bricks, clay, and timber. These materials were abundant in the region and easy to manufacture, making them suitable for the construction of large structures.

5. Urban Planning: The ancient city of Mohenjo Daro was carefully planned. It had a well-defined street layout, with broad and straight main roads intersected by narrower lanes. The buildings were arranged in a way that allowed for efficient use of space while still maintaining privacy.

Overall, the geography of the area, with its access to water, availability of building materials, and the need for efficient drainage, significantly influenced the design and construction of Mohenjo Daro.

The geography of Mohenjo Daro played a significant role in influencing its planning and construction. Located in the Indus Valley, Mohenjo Daro was situated along the banks of the Indus River in what is now modern-day Pakistan. Here's how the geography influenced the building of Mohenjo Daro:

1. Access to water: The proximity to the Indus River provided a reliable source of water for the city's inhabitants. The river served as a vital resource for drinking, irrigation, and transportation. The availability of water allowed the city's planners to design an organized system for the distribution and management of water throughout the settlement.

2. Flood protection: The region around Mohenjo Daro experienced seasonal monsoon floods, which could potentially devastate the city. To guard against these floods, the builders constructed a sophisticated system of raised platforms and levees. They also built a well-integrated network of drainage channels to manage the excess water during the rainy season.

3. Strategic location: Mohenjo Daro was strategically located on high ground near an agricultural region. This positioning allowed the city to benefit from fertile soil and ample opportunities for farming. The surrounding area had rich alluvial soil, and the residents could take advantage of the available resources for agricultural activities.

4. Trade and transportation: The presence of the Indus River played a crucial role in facilitating trade and transportation. As a major river, it provided connectivity to other settlements and regions, serving as a vital trade route. The river facilitated the movement of goods and allowed for commercial interactions with neighboring communities.

Overall, the geography of Mohenjo Daro, with its access to water, flood protection, strategic location, and trade opportunities, greatly influenced the planning and development of the city, making it a prosperous and well-organized urban center of its time.