I need help on this problem:

Cash crops raised on Southern plantations included _____________, rice and indigo.

Please check:

Eliza Pinckey is known for developing a type of [indigo] for dyeing cloth.

The [Southern] English Colonies were located along the [East] Coast.


Your other answers are right.

so the answer is tabacco? Also isnt tabacco in cigarettes?

Yes and yes. It's tobacco. In the early colonial days, tobacco was mostly smoked in pipes.

ok thanks.

To help you with this problem, let's break it down step by step:

1. Read the question carefully: The first step is to carefully read and understand the question. The question states that cash crops raised on Southern plantations included something apart from rice and indigo.

2. Analyze the given information: Analyze the information provided to help you determine the missing word. The information states that Eliza Pinckey developed a type of plant for dyeing cloth called "indigo." This confirms that "indigo" is one of the cash crops mentioned in the question.

3. Use logical reasoning: To find the missing cash crop, think about what other crops were commonly grown in the Southern plantations. Consider the agricultural practices, climate, and historical knowledge related to Southern plantations.

Historically, cotton was a widely grown cash crop in Southern plantations. It was introduced to the colonies in the 17th century and became a prominent crop in the Southern United States. Due to the favorable climate and availability of slave labor, cotton plantations flourished, leading to the rise of the cotton industry in the South.

Therefore, based on historical knowledge and logical reasoning, the missing cash crop in the question is [cotton].

4. Verify the answer: Finally, let's check if the answer "cotton" makes sense by re-reading the completed sentence:

"Cash crops raised on Southern plantations included cotton, rice, and indigo."

The sentence now makes sense and aligns with historical knowledge about Southern plantation crops.

So, the answer to the problem is:
Cash crops raised on Southern plantations included cotton, rice, and indigo.

Remember, understanding the context and using logical reasoning are crucial steps in solving problems like these.