Mike jogs east at a rate of 4 mph. The wind is blowing west at 1 mph. What is Mike's velocity?

4 - 1 = 3 mph East.

4-1=3mph East

Velocity is a vector quantity that includes both magnitude (speed) and direction. In this case, Mike is jogging eastward at a rate of 4 mph, while the wind is blowing in the opposite direction (west) at 1 mph.

To find Mike's velocity, we need to take into account both his jogging speed and the opposing wind speed. Since the wind blows in the opposite direction, we subtract the wind speed from Mike's jogging speed.

Therefore, the velocity of Mike can be calculated as:
Velocity = Jogging speed - Wind speed
= 4 mph - 1 mph
= 3 mph

So, Mike's velocity is 3 mph in the eastward direction.