Nitric acid and zinc react to form zinc nitrate, ammonium nitrate, and water.

4Zn(s) + 10HNO3(aq) → 4Zn(NO3)2(aq) + NH4NO3(aq) + 3H2O(l)

A. How many atoms of zinc react with 1.49g HNO3?
B. Calculate the number of grams of zinc that must react with an excess of HNO3 to form 29.1g NH4NO3

A) 5.695E21


These are great answers!

Le cuivre est un métal relativement peu réactif. Il ne réagit pas au contact de la plupart des acides, sauf l’acide nitrique.

Cu(s) + 4HNO3(aq) ---> Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 2NO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

Quelle masse de NO2 obtient-on quand on fait réagir 54,4g de Cu avec 125g de HNO3 ?

A. To determine the number of atoms of zinc that react with 1.49g of HNO3, we need to use stoichiometry and convert grams of HNO3 to moles, and then use the balanced equation to find the moles of zinc.

1. Convert grams of HNO3 to moles:
To do this, we need to know the molar mass of HNO3. Nitric acid (HNO3) consists of one atom of hydrogen (H), one atom of nitrogen (N), and three atoms of oxygen (O). The molar mass of hydrogen is approximately 1g/mol, nitrogen is approximately 14g/mol, and oxygen is approximately 16g/mol. Therefore, the molar mass of HNO3 is approximately (1*1) + (14*1) + (16*3) = 63g/mol.

Now we can calculate the moles of HNO3:
Moles of HNO3 = Mass of HNO3 / Molar mass of HNO3
Moles of HNO3 = 1.49g / 63g/mol

2. Use the balanced equation to find the moles of zinc:
According to the balanced equation, the molar ratio between HNO3 and Zn is 10:4. This means that for every 10 moles of HNO3, 4 moles of zinc react.

Moles of Zn = (Moles of HNO3) * (4 moles of Zn / 10 moles of HNO3)

Now you can plug in the calculated moles of HNO3 and solve for the moles of Zn.

Convert 1.49 g HNO3 to moles. That Is Grams divided by molar mass.

Using the coefficients in the balance chemical equation convert moles nitric acid to moles of zinc.
To calculate atoms of zinc remember that one mole of zinc contains 6.02E23 atoms.

B is done the same way as A. Remember that after finding moles you convert to grams by grams = moles times molar mass
